Relationship is the root. Between my consciousness and my body, my music and my dance, between martial arts and composition, and finally between myself other performers and the audience. Relationship is at the root of it all. To have a relationship with or against, whether subject/object is far or near, and, of course, all the spectra in between the periods and pauses that indicates one's pendulum of experience. This brings me to the action of making my art with technique, not about technique. Skill in action.
I believe having a solid foundation of skills is important because it grants access to what I create and also guides my purpose to bring me back into connection and relationship to the work, myself and the audience and/or witnesses.

Swordplay, Peace
Here is a link for a choreographic work for the screen which grieves the loss of the dance. Posthumous was developed in collaboration with and performed by 11 students and directed by one of my longtime colleagues Deborah Goffe founder of Scapegoat garden and now a faculty member in the Five College Dance Department.
Music by Damon Honeycutt.
Performed by the Power Quartet
Here is a link to an excerpt of TRANSMISSIONS II
An evening of improvisational interdisciplinary performance by Todd Barton, Bruce Bayard, Damon Honeycutt, Lawson Inada and Christine Williams.
The event includes quadraphonic sound, music on two Buchla Easels, movement, video projections, poetry and voice.